Our Strategic Vision

Our mission is to advance the field of gastronomic sciences by fostering, through a research-driven approach, a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between food, culture, and society and actively contributing to the development of sustainable food systems globally.

Embracing a research-driven approach, we seek to achieve the following overarching goals:

  • Facilitate partnerships among scholars from disparate academic disciplines, as well as students, practitioners and policy-makers within the gastronomic sciences, to address current and future challenges of global food systems.

  • Champion sustainable food production and consumption practices that honor and preserve the environment for future generations.

  • Encourage and support groundbreaking research, innovation, and the dissemination of knowledge within the fields of gastronomic sciences and food-related disciplines.

  • Enrich and expand educational curricula at all levels with a focus on gastronomy to foster a more profound public understanding of the complex dynamics of food systems.

  • Acknowledge and preserve diverse culinary traditions and practices as integral components of the world’s cultural heritage.

  • Elevate and integrate the insights and practices of local and indigenous communities in shaping global food policies and research agendas.

  • Shape public policies and frameworks by providing expertise and research outcomes on sustainable gastronomy and food-related issues.

In pursuit of our goals, our specific objectives include:

  • Establishing a dynamic platform for members to engage in dialogue, share insights, and collaborate on gastronomic science initiatives.

  • Hosting and organizing international and regional conferences, symposia, and workshops that stimulate scholarly exchange and policy discussions.

  • Producing high-quality publications such as journals, articles, and books that contribute significantly to the body of knowledge in gastronomic sciences.

  • Providing a nexus for interaction, networking, and professional development among members and affiliates.

  • Offering a range of educational programs, including seminars, lectures, and webinars, designed to enhance understanding of key gastronomic issues.

  • Serving as an advisory body for governmental and non-governmental organizations on issues related to gastronomy and food sustainability.